
Please take note of this full disclosure on sponsorship and paid advertising on Craft Curiosity™.

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, free products, or other forms of compensation. The businesses, partnerships and affiliations are closely screened and only acceptable advertisers that are deemed a good fit are allowed on the blog.

When you click onto an advertisers link, or shop through affiliated product links, I may receive a small commission.  I do accept several forms of paid advertising and sponsorship and I also earn income from membership offered on the website. I do my best to only partner with advertisers that are worthy of your time.

I love crafting and I am pleased that I can share my knowledge, skills, tips and tricks on a variety of craft related topics. Blogging like this is hard work! The tutorials require hours of preparation to publish each video and related post. I appreciate your support and I am thrilled that you find value in this website, blog and in the video tutorials.   -Regan

The content on this website was created by Regan Dakin in its entirety, including the personal blog, all video tutorials, most images and all general content.