I enjoyed making earrings with wire, crystals and resin filled bezels a great deal. Working with the Thing-A-Ma-Jig Deluxe was very easy and there are so many patterns you can follow to create jewelry components. Shaping wire with the jig is very easy and your work will be consistent by using such a cool craft tool. Make sure you harden the wire, especially since these are earrings. Work harden will help keep the shape of the earring so they continue to look beautiful.
The one item that I brush right by was the Diamond Glaze. This is such a great product and I really should have told you more about it. Diamond Glaze works like a resin, but you don’t have to premix anything. You just squeeze it out of the bottle. It will coat paper and seal it without discoloring or smearing the print. It will stick to the metal bezel, and it will also stick to glass, among other materials, and you can also dome with it. I chose to use it in this project because the bezel area was small. If I were to make something larger I would choose a resin product like Ice Resin instead. However, in this application Diamond Glaze is really nice.
I hope that you will give these earrings a try. You can use a variety of colors and styles to create something similar. I have a second pair that I made in the same fashion and you can watch that video as well. It is titled: “Diamond Glaze Silver Earring” and you can click this link or find it on my YouTube channel.
I would love to see what you come up with, so I hope that you will post a picture of your earrings. I know you can make something really wonderful by just following the basics on the video.